
Online & Inperson Service Times

Saturday (Sabbath)
Our main service takes place every Saturday and consists of a bible study for adults and children starting at 10am and the Divine service from 11:15. 

Sabbath School 10am - 11am
Divine Service 11:15am - 1pm

Find our services live streamed on our YouTube channel.

For our weekly bulletin with information please click here.

Prayer is at the core of everything we do so at least once a week we like to come together and share what God has done for us, as well as pray together.

Prayer Meeting 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Meeting ID: 849 0553 2386
Passcode: 531393

Or click here to go the meeting directly.
By God's grace we look forward to seeing you on Zoom!

For details on any other events or to watch the live stream of the sermon, please follow @prestonsda on FacebookInstagram or YouTube.

If you require any further information, contact us by clicking here.